Title of the Film
'Fool Me Twice' seemed very relevant to use for our thriller/slasher film opening. It plays on the idiom 'fool me once; shame on you, fool me twice; shame on me'. This type of title would seem quite generic of a thriller movie because it makes the audience question it. This technique is achieved by numerous pychological thrillers such as: Silence of the Lambs, Along Came a Spider and Se7en. The title itself represents victimisation before the film even begins and from an audience's perspective who are familiar with the thriller genre; bullying or victimisation generally leads to revenge.
After viewing a number of locations and researching into different film openings, it seemed that most thriller/slasher films start in a desolate venue to connote isolation and solitarisim. We eventually found Hameldon wood which seemed fit for the film because it had a lot of vegetation which would be used as cover for the follower and a substantial amount of reckage and had a relic atmosphere.Costumes and Props
For both protagonists we casted to white, teenage, caucasian males. Generally young caucasian characters tend to be extremley vulnerable in slasher movies. They don't seem to be aware of danger and totally oblivious to a troublesome situation. The stereotype of the white teenage behaviour in a slasher movie is; they seem to always leave the secure house, search islolated attics and bedrooms and quite often are quite lustful outside in plain sight of the killer.Cabin in the woods |
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