Monday 18 March 2013

Film Genres Continued

Film Genres


Horror...films usually are set in an ominous location such as a graveyard, hospitals, churches, cellars, attics or any other isolated residence.  

Camera Effects

A variation of high and low camera angles are normally used, this is to suggest power (high angle) or suspense (low angle). The Jump cutting technique is quite popular in modern films, this effect is to show the quickening of time. The diegetic sound of ambiance is relevant to create a sense of realism to the film making it evermore terrifying. Obviously the non-diegetic sound of monsters, demons etc is also normally present in a modern day horror.


The lighting is stereo-typically natural for a realism element however it is also normally low key. The lighting sometimes shifts to high-key to emphasize shadows. Religious symbols, blood and dark clothing are consistent in a successful horror movie.


. Depression
. Suicide
. Good vs Evil
. Religion
. Death
. Hate

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